How to Use Clubhouse Marketing to Grow Your Business

Clubhouse Marketing

Clubhouse is a new social media platform that’s got digital marketers rethinking their strategy. Launched in 2020, Clubhouse allows users to share audio clips with one another via virtual rooms. It’s currently valued at $1 billion and boasts over 2 million weekly active users. It’s also attracting celebrities, top gurus, and Silicon Valley investors (like Andreessen Horowitz).

Unlike other social platforms, Clubhouse is exclusive by design. Those who join can only be invited by other members or approved by the app’s team. This has helped Clubhouse maintain its high content quality and weed out “bad” content like hate speech.

Once you’re on the platform, your home feed will display a list of trending people and rooms that are popular in your area. These can be based on people in your phone directory, clubs that you belong to, or even events happening in your area. There’s also a search bar in the upper right that can be used to find people, clubs, and events that match your interests.

The more you participate in rooms, the more likely you’ll be invited to speak up and contribute to discussions. When you speak up, you can add value to the conversation by demonstrating your knowledge of an industry or topic. This is a great way to position yourself as a thought leader in your niche and build brand awareness.

Another way to increase your chance of speaking up is to join rooms that are relevant to your business. This will help you connect with potential customers and clients who share your passion for the industry. You can also start a room of your own to create an open forum where people can ask questions and give feedback on your products or services.

Creating a Clubhouse profile is free and allows you to set your availability and preferences for the types of conversations you want to be involved in. You can use your bio to tell the world about yourself and your business, as well as include links to your website, YouTube channel, or social media accounts.

As Clubhouse grows in popularity, it’s a good idea to start exploring ways you can leverage this new and exciting platform. Keep an eye out for more tips and advice on using this powerful marketing tool in our upcoming articles.